Can you imagine waking up in the morning seeing clearly, no longer have to fumble around for your glasses? Going to bed at night without worrying about removing your contacts? People don’t realize quite how much time and money they spend on eyeglass prescriptions or cleaning and switching their contact lenses.

LASIK Eye Surgery

What if we told you that you could get rid of your eyeglasses and contact lenses with just a quick, 15-minute procedure? That’s where LASIK comes in! We offer LASIK to our patients throughout the Kingston and Wilkes-Barre. With our LASIK consultations and procedures, we help you every step of the way.

What is LASIK?

LASIK surgery is a safe, painless, and quick procedure performed to correct common refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. During LASIK surgery, a laser is used to reshape the surface of the eye (the cornea.) After the eye is reshaped, the light will reflect onto the retina in a way that creates a clear, crisp vision!

LASIK surgery is permanent, and most patients are able to get rid of their eyeglasses and contact lenses altogether. LASIK gives patients the freedom to live their lives without worrying about their glasses or contact lenses.

The LASIK Procedure

The LASIK procedure is fairly simple. Your surgeon will begin by creating a corneal “flap” on the surface of the cornea. This can be done using a traditional microkeratome blade or using a femtosecond laser. Once the flap is created, your surgeon will peel it back and begin treatment on the inner layers of the cornea.

To change the shape of the eye, your surgeon will use an excimer laser. This laser removes microscopic pieces of the eye until the correct shape is achieved. Once the eye has been corrected, the flap is closed and the surgery is over!

LASIK Candidacy
Unfortunately, not everyone is a candidate for laser vision correction. LASIK surgery is very safe but can cause problems when performed on people with certain risk factors. Some of these risk factors include:

  • Thin, unstable corneas due to conditions such as keratoconus
  • Pregnancy
  • Age – too young or too old
  • Severe refractive error

These are not the only reasons you may not be a candidate for LASIK, and it will take an eye exam from an eye doctor to be sure.

If you are interested in this life-changing procedure, be sure to call one of our many office locations in Kingston and Wilkes-Barre.

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