
Category: Uncategorized

Can You Have LASIK if You Have Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a refractive error that causes blurred vision whether you’re looking at an object up close or far away. If you want to reduce your dependence on glasses or contacts, LASIK can offer a more permanent solution.  Keep reading to learn more about astigmatism and how LASIK can help address it! What is Astigmatism?… Read More

3 Signs You Should Think About Lip Enhancements

Cosmetic surgery is a great way to enhance your looks and help you increase your confidence. There are many different types of cosmetic surgery to choose from to best accomplish your cosmetic goals. Lip enhancements, of course, focus on your mouth and lips in particular. Many people decide to give lip enhancements a try for… Read More

Eye Care Specialists is the First in NEPA to Perform Revolutionary PanOptix® Trifocal IOL Lens Implant

FOR RELEASE: September 20, 2019 Kingston, PA  Eye Care Specialists is pleased to announce that Harvey Reiser, M.D. implanted the first new generation of Visual Freedom Lens, the PanOptix® lens from Alcon. Alcon, the global leader in eye care, recently announced that they received FDA approval for the launch of AcrySof® IQ PanOptix® Trifocal Intraocular… Read More

Read our feature in the Happenings Magazine!

We are honored to be featured in the February 2019 edition of Happenings Magazine! You can read our feature below, click here to view it in the Happenings Magazine (page 72) or download and read here.

Which Cosmetic Eye Care Treatment Is Right For You?

When you think of cosmetic surgery, things like liposuction, facelifts, and Botox may come to mind. However, the world of cosmetic treatments is huge. There are plenty of cosmetic enhancement options available even for the eyes! Here at Eye Care Specialists, we specialize in treatments like ptosis repair and blepharoplasty! Keep reading and learn which… Read More

5 Common Retinal Diseases

The retina is the light-sensing tissue that resides in the back of your eye. It is responsible for relaying images to your brain. Without a healthy retina, you can’t read, drive, or see fine details. A retinal disorder or disease affects this very important tissue, which, in turn, can affect vision to the point of… Read More

4 LASIK Alternatives to Consider

If you are a candidate for laser eye surgery, you may want to know about the different LASIK alternatives so you can make a truly informed decision as to which procedure is right for you. The type of procedure can also depend on specific attributes of your eyes, such as how thin your corneas are…. Read More

How to Choose the Right LASIK Surgeon

LASIK surgery is an extremely popular vision correction method. While you may be excited to finally have clear vision, it is important to take your time and do your research before going through with it. LASIK surgery is a common procedure, but that doesn’t mean all LASIK surgeons are equal. Here we will discuss some… Read More

Early Onset Cataracts: Thought You Were Too Young For Cataracts? Think Again!

Cataracts are most often associated with old age. With age comes many changes, especially with our eyes. Cataracts develop in most people sooner or later. However, it’s more common than you might think to develop cataracts at a young age. Cataracts Before 50? Chances are, when you think cataracts, your picture a person in their… Read More

3 Common Childhood Eye Conditions

Children are becoming more and more exposed to harmful factors that could affect their eyesight. As a result, vision problems are affecting children at younger ages, and their life experiences are being changed and restricted because of it. Early detection is by far the best way to avoid serious problems with eyesight. Getting to know… Read More